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Детские стихи. Муха

Детские стихи. Муха

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» » » Топики на английском для школьников "British Literature"

Топики на английском для школьников "British Literature"

14 авг

                                                                                                            топики на англйиском


Great Britain gave the world a lot of talented people. Many famous writers and poets were born and lived in Great Britain.

One of the best known English playwrights was William Shakespeare. He draw ideas for his tragedies and comedies from the history of England and ancient Rome. Many experts consider Shakespeare the greatest writer and the greatest playwright in English language. William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays which may be divided into: comedies (such as "A Midsummer Night's Dream"), tragedies (such as "Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear", "Macbeth") and historical plays (such as "Richard II", "Henry V", "Julius Caesar", "Antony and Cleopatra").

Robert Burns represents the generation of Romantic writers. In his poems he described with love and understanding the simple life he knew. Among his well-known poems are "Halloween", "The Jolly Beggars", "To a Mouse".

Lord George Gordon Byron. His free-spirited life style combined with his rare poetic gift makes him one of the most famous figures of the Romantic Era. His famous works such as "Stanzas to Augusta", "The Prisoner of Chillon", "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage", "Manfred" draw readers into the passion, humors and conviction of a poet whose life and work truly embodied the Romantic spirit.

Sir Walter Scott wrote the first examples of historical novel.

Lewis Carroll became famous when he published "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".

Ключевые теги новости: топики, английский язык

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