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» » » Английские сказки. Лиса и журавль. The fox and the crane

Английские сказки. Лиса и журавль. The fox and the crane

20 фев

The fox made friends with the crane. The fox once had a notion to treat the crane to dinner and went to invite him to her house.

"Come godfather! Come dear! How I'll entertain you!" The crain went to the dinner party. The fox had cooked farina cereal and spread it over a plate. She served it and urged. "Eat, my friend-godfather, I cooked it myself. " The crane went peck-peck with his bill, knocked and knocked, but got nothing. Meanwhile, the fox licked and licked the cereal until she had eaten it all.

The cereal eaten, the fox said, "Don't be offended dear godfather. There is nothing more to offer you." "Thank you, godmother for that. Come to visit me." The next day the fox went, and the crane made cold soup. He poured it into a pitcher with a narrow neck and put it on the table. He said, "Eat godmother. Truly, there's nothing more offer you." The fox began to spin around the pitcher. She approached it one way, then another. She licked it and sniffed it, but couldn't get anything.


Лиса и журавль

Her head wouldn't fit into the pitcher. Mean-while the crane sucked and sucked until he had eaten everything up. "Don't be offended godmother. There's nothing more to offer you." The fox was annoyed, having thought she would eat for the whole week. She went home having gotten nothing. It was tit for tat! From that moment on, the friendship between fox and crane was over.

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